smartphone cost, how much to spend, value

According to the Pew Research Center 97% of Americans own a cellphone.

Samsung, LG, Google, Apple and other manufacturers push consumers to upgrade their smartphones on a regular basis. Each year when new models are released there is a drive to get users to buy the latest, greatest and most expensive phones.

Manufacturers hold events announcing the new devices, touting features like new and improved cameras, faster processors, larger screens and other features. This can make consumers feel that their current phone is not up to par and they should rush out and buy the latest model. But do you really need to?

Things to Consider


You probably want to consider buying a new phone when your current phone is no longer safe. Is the operating system on your phone still able to receive the most current software updates? If the answer is no you should upgrade. Many of the software updates address security vulnerabilities and performance issues. If you can no longer update you are vulnerable. Most phones can receive security updates for 3-4 years but check with the manufacturer to find out.

Latest & Greatest

Do you really need the latest and greatest features the new phone is offering and is it worth the cost? Is the camera that much better, are you really going to notice a difference in a slightly faster processor, do you need a larger screen? Some of the new models are not that much different.

Pushed to Upgrade

If you are under a contract with a carrier, they push you to buy a new phone when the contract is up, typically every year or two. Again, do you really need the newer device? I recommend always buying an unlocked phone, not tied to any specific carrier. This allows you to move to a different carrier at any time. I am always looking for a better cell phone plan and like to be able to move around without having to buy a new phone each time.

Not Built to Last

Phones are not built to last and after a few years you may notice that things have slowed down, the touch screen is not as responsive as it was when new, certain hardware is no longer working, and some apps will not work on older phones. When these things start to happen, it may be time to purchase a new phone.

How Much Should You Spend on a Phone?

How Do You Use It?

Do you use your phone for both home and business? If so, you may need some features that just a home user would not need like dual SIM support, if your employer’s IT department offers support for your phone do they support only certain phones or models?

Physical features such as voice quality, speaker quality, camera quality may all be important depending on the type of work you do.

For personal use what do you use your phone for? Do you use it mostly for talking and texting? If so, almost any current smartphone would be adequate. If on the other hand you use it to take a lot of pictures you will want to look for something with a good camera. If you watch a lot of video content or play games on your phone you will want to purchase a phone that has a processor, memory and graphics card that work well for those types of activities. Screen size, brightness and clarity will also be important.

Battery Life

Battery life will be important to almost all users. Our phones go with us everywhere and we need enough battery life to get us through the day without worrying about our phone dying.

Processor Speed

Processor speed is important even when not playing games or watching videos. It can be frustrating if even simple tasks such as opening an app or checking your mail takes forever. You don’t need to go with the best processor on the market but don’t waste your money on the lowest end processor either.


How much Random-Access Memory (RAM) do you need? Along with the processor, RAM determines the speed of your phone.

Storage Space

Decide how much storage space you need, much of our data can be stored on the cloud but this can come at a cost. Buy a phone with enough local storage to hold your data.


Build quality is another factor to consider. Metal and plastic are generally used. If you are accident prone or you work in a rough, hot or wet environment the build quality will be an important deciding factor for you. Some phones are waterproof or water-resistant others offer a more durable rugged frame. Also consider the screen material. Some screens are stronger and more shatter resistant than others. And be sure no matter which phone you choose that you always put your phone in a quality protective case and use a screen protector.


Screen display is also important. Look for something with a higher resolution. Even some less expensive phones have very good resolution. Compare different phones before buying. Screen size and brightness are also something to think about.


Most modern phones have a decent camera. That should come into consideration if you like to take photos and videos or use your camera to scan, video chat or conference.


Wireless charging is something that is important to some but not to others. If you would like to use that technology, choose a phone that supports it.


Audio and speaker quality is important for users who listen to music and podcasts or watch videos or participate in video chats and conferencing. Phones vary widely here so read some reviews before deciding.

Headphone Jack

Some people want the option to add a set of headphones using a jack. Not all phones have that feature although an alternative is a Bluetooth headset, decide if you need the actual jack

How to Get the Best Price

After deciding what features you really need and want you can choose a phone that meets your needs. I would suggest looking at a mid-priced phone. You can get all of the modern features without paying for the most advertised and promoted devices. All major manufacturers offer mid-range phones.

Phone prices vary greatly at different times throughout the year. Also, when a new model is released the price of the previous model will drop. Wait for those times to shop around. Last year’s flagship phones are often only slightly different than the current model. So you may be able to get a better quality phone at a reduced price.

You can often find great bargains when shopping during the holiday season. And not just Christmas but events like Amazon Prime Day, Black Friday and Cyber Monday are also good times to shop for a phone.

If you want to purchase an iPhone wait until after an Apple Event, when Apple releases a new model the price of the previous model often drops.

As I mentioned previously consider buying an unlocked phone. This may not save you money initially but an unlocked phone allows you to shop around and move between carriers when you find a better price so in the long run it pays off. Unlocked phones generally have less bloatware since there is nothing installed from a carrier. Bloatware can slow down a phones performance and take up valuable storage space.

You might consider a used or refurbished phone. The difference between used and refurbished is that used phones are sold as is. Typically, not modified in anyway. Refurbished smartphones are often checked over for any problems and if problems are found they are repaired. They usually come with a new battery and some come with a warranty. They are factory reset and cleared of any data.

Try Amazon’s Renewed site for refurbished and renewed items.

You might check out Amazon’s Open Box Deals and Amazon’s Warehouse Deals

Most of the items there are in new condition but have either been returned or the packaging is somehow damaged or open so the items cannot be sold as new. Read the rules on their site to be sure you understand what you are getting.

You can also trade in your old phone or sell it locally or online to recoup some of the money you are spending on your new phone.