Small Changes that can save big money.
save every day

When it comes to saving money, it is not just the big things that make a difference, little everyday changes can really add up over time and save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars a year.

I am a money saving minimalist who is always looking for new ways to reduce waste and save money. Here are just some of the things I do to save.

Laundry Detergent

According to the directions on most laundry detergent labels you should measure how much detergent to use by the measurement lines on the cap.

But you really don’t need that much detergent, especially if you are using a high efficiency washing machine. Instead use about 1/2 or 3/4 of what is recommended. A bottle can last twice as long just by using a little less.

Wash your clothes in cold water. Most experts agree that your clothes will come out just as clean when you wash them in cold water instead of hot. Not only that but using cold water reduces color fading and shrinkage.

Hot water uses more energy per load and about 80% of that goes toward heating the water so using cold water will reduce your electric bill as well.

Adjust the temperature setting and drying time on your clothes dryer. Often, we use a higher setting than we need. Clean the lint filter after each use. Your dryer will work harder if the filter is clogged.

Fabric Softener

The same measurement rules apply to fabric softener. Use about half of what is recommended. Your clothes will still come out soft and smelling fresh.

Dryer Sheets

Cut dryer sheets in half. You will not notice the difference.

Dish Washing Detergent

For dish washers you can break the detergent tablets in half. Your dishes will come out just as clean. And check the dollar store. You can often find the tablets at a much lower cost.

Don’t run the dishwasher until you have a full load. This saves money on electricity.

For liquid dish soap also use about half of what is recommended. And when you think the bottle is empty turn it upside down with the cap on and you will always get more out of the bottle.

Instead of buying expensive cleaners you can often use just a bit of dish soap and water. This works well for wiping down counter tops, appliances, sinks and showers. Use it in the kitchen and bathroom.

Window Cleaner

Save money by making your own window cleaner. Mix 1/4 cup white vinegar with a 1/2 teaspoon of liquid dish soap. Add two cups of water, then shake the bottle to mix the ingredients.

Cut Down on Paper Towels

Instead of using paper towels for everything consider using cloth napkins at dinner and try machine-washable cloth towels for cleaning. They work just as well and you can find them at the dollar store.


If you watch toothpaste commercials, they spread the paste across the entire length of the head of the toothbrush. That is a huge amount of toothpaste and way more than you really need. Instead use about 1/3 of that amount. When you think the toothpaste container is empty cut it open and use a butter knife or small rubber spatula to remove the remaining toothpaste.

Shampoo & Conditioner

Read the directions on most shampoo bottles and it says wash, rinse, repeat. That is totally unnecessary. Washing once is enough and use about half of what you think you need. If using a pump bottle use half a pump instead of a whole. The same goes for conditioner. Cut down on what you normally use and see if you notice a difference.  


When printing documents print using black ink only unless you need color and print on both sides of the paper. Use a site like Print Friendly & PDF Print Friendly & PDF

The pages you are printing will be optimized and any junk on the page will be removed. Saving money on ink and paper and making for a cleaner more readable copy.

Cut the Cable

You can watch TV for free, I cut the cable and I am saving over $1,700 a year. Cut the Cable & Paid Streaming Services & Watch TV for Free

Switch to a Less Expensive Cell Phone Plan

With so much competition in the market today you will have no problem finding a less expensive plan. I made the switch to Mint Mobile several years ago and am saving over $1,000 a year. Mint Mobile

Don’t Pay for Computer Software

For every paid program there is almost always a free or much less expensive alternative. Free Programs to Replace Expensive Alternatives

Unplug Devices You Are Not Using

I keep my TV, radio, streaming boxes, computers, printers and other electronics plugged into a surge protector. When I am not using them, I power off the surge protector. Even when a device is turned off it is still drawing power.

Stop Paying for Audio Books and eBooks

Utilize your public library. Not only can you borrow books but also eBooks and audiobooks. Why pay when you can borrow them from the library for free? Many sites offer eBooks and audiobooks but almost all charge a monthly fee. Use apps like Hoopla, Kanopy, Libby and Flipster to borrow content.

Libby lets you to borrow eBooks, audiobooks, magazines and newspapers.

Hoopla offers video streaming, audiobooks, comics, eBooks, newspapers, music and more.

Kanopy has an extensive collection of movies, documentaries, foreign films, classic films and other content.

Flipster provides access to digital magazines including National Geographic, Conde Nast, Meredith, Bloomberg and others.

All of the apps are free. You can use them on your smartphone, tablet, computer and streaming devices.

All you need is a library card. Many libraries offer online registration. If you cannot apply for a card online just stop in and sign up. It only takes a few minutes and you can check out some of the other resources your library offers. See my article here on utilizing your public library. Utilizing Your Public Library

Stop Paying for a Newspaper Subscription

I cancelled my newspaper delivery a year ago and am saving over $300.00 a year. Read my article here on how I use Newsbank to read not only my local newspaper but newspapers from all across the country for free. What is Newsbank & How Can it Save you Money

Use Less Meat

Cut your meat portions in half. Mix in pureed vegetables, jack fruit, rice, oats or beans when cooking. You will not notice a difference in most cases. And reducing your meat consumption is better for your health and the environment.

Consider a Toaster Oven

For smaller jobs consider using a toaster oven instead of your full-size oven. Toaster ovens use 50% to 70% less energy than a full-size oven.

Adjust your Hot Water Heater

Most of us do not need to use the highest setting on our hot water heaters. Turning it down just a bit can save money.

These are just some ways you can save money. Evaluate your situation and find ways you can save a little every day.