7 Ways to Save Money at Work

We spend money to make money. Our daily commute and dressing for work cost money. There are also other work expenses, some necessary, some not. As a frugal, minimalist I am always looking for ways to save money. Here are just a few things we can do to cut our expenses and save more.

Pack Your Lunch

The typical fast-food lunch can cost $10.00 a day or more. That adds up to $50.00 a week and $2,600 a year! Think of what you could be doing with that money instead. It is much more cost effective and healthier to pack your own lunch each day. Shop for healthy food and spend a few minutes during the week prepping and packing your meals so they are easy to grab on your way out the door in the morning.

Pack Your Snacks

You might be tempted to use a vending machine or convenience store to buy snack items. This can add up to hundreds of dollars a year. Instead use a desk drawer or locker at work and stock up on your favorite nonperishable snack items. You can also make healthier choices when you pack your own snacks.

Skip the Take-Out Coffee

If you buy take-out coffee 5 days a week at $2-$3.00 a day that can add up to $780.00 a year or more. Instead make your coffee at home. Instant coffee costs pennies a day or if you prefer to use a coffee or latte maker it is a more cost-effective option to buy the appliance. It will save a lot of money in the long run and can be healthier. You can control what you put in your coffee. Many coffee shops add a lot of sugar and other unhealthy ingredients to their coffee.

Cut Back on Clothing Expenses

Depending on where you work you might be required to adhere to a company dress policy, but you don’t have to spend a lot of money to dress nicely. Build a basic wardrobe that you can mix and match. For example, if you work in an office that requires you to dress professionally buy a few suites, dresses and skirts, a few pairs of dress pants, a few shirts and sweaters, accessories, shoes and any other items you need.

Choose neutral colors such as black, white, gray, brown, beige, ivory, taupe and blue. These colors work well together and can easily be mixed and matched.

Shop at thrift stores, secondhand stores, The Salvation Army and Goodwill. You can often find very nice, name brand items for a fraction of the cost of new.

Most of us have more clothes than we need. Once you have built your wardrobe avoid buying anything new unless you really need it. Don’t buy on impulse.


If you drive to work every day, consider carpooling or riding a bike or scooter to work instead.  Some public transportation is more cost effective than driving. If you have those options, consider using them even if it is just a few days a week.

Don’t Spend on Office Junk

Maybe fellow employees all chip in to play the lottery or they sell their kids Girl Scout Cookies or school related fundraising items. Maybe it’s a friendly sports wager in the office or a few drinks after work. Avoid the temptation to buy. It is perfectly acceptable to say no.


Do you go online to browse and shop during your lunch break? Some people do this out of habit, not because they really need something. Maybe you go to the shopping center during your lunch break just for something to do. This can be a huge waste of money. Keep a list of items that you absolutely need. Then pick one day a week to buy those things. You could save thousands of dollars a year by cutting out impulse buying. Keep a budget to track your spending, you might be shocked to discover how much money you are wasting.