Prevent Smartphones from Overheating in Hot Weather

iPhones and Android’s can easily overheat when they are used outside during the summer months.

This can cause phones to shut down and not function properly.

Android phones and iPhones are designed to function in temperatures between 32 and 95 degrees. Never expose your phone to extreme temperatures, hot or cold.

How to keep your phone cool outside

Never leave the phone in direct sunlight

Don’t leave your phone in a hot vehicle

Avoid recording video

Don’t play games

Lower the brightness

Close unused apps

Don’t charge the phone when in a hot environment

Use a thermal phone case

iPhones and Android phones will display a warning when they overheat, and some features will be disabled or adjusted to protect the device. If your phone has been exposed to excessive heat and it is not working as it should take steps to cool the device immediately to prevent permanent damage.

Steps to Cool your Phone

Take it inside and place it in a cool area

Remove the case

Turn the phone off