Stay Safe During Home Repairs

When you hire a professional for home repairs, safety should be a top priority. Most people we hire have no ill intensions, but you can never be sure. Criminals can obtain jobs at legitimate businesses with the intention of using their position to carry out unlawful activities.

There have been numerous instances where workers have robbed, harmed or killed a homeowner.

Cable Employee Murders Homeowner

Fake Utility Workers Rob Homeowners

Thieves Posing as Fake Workers Rob Homes

Take precautions to keep your home and family safe when hiring someone to work inside your home.

Check References & Get Referrals

Be choosy when hiring, use a reputable company that is licensed and insured. Check references and get referrals from family and friends. When you schedule the appointment take note of the company name and phone number, the person you talk to, what time the employee will come, their name and what type of vehicle they will be driving. Ask if they perform a criminal background check on their employees. When the worker arrives ask them for identification.

When scheduling the appointment if a date or time does not work for you because you will be away from home, don’t tell them this, just schedule it for another time without offering a reason. Don’t let them know your home will be unoccupied.

Always Have Someone at Home

Don’t allow service workers into your home when no one is there. Never leave a key so they can let themselves in. Even the most trusted companies can have dishonest employees. They can easily make a copy of your house key and steal from you.

Pay Attention

While the work is being done remain alert. Don’t watch TV, talk on the phone, use the computer or do anything else that could distract you.

Have a Safety Plan

Have a plan in place to get the worker or yourself out of the house if you feel threatened. Keep your phone and keys with you while they are there. If you have pepper spray or some other type of protection keep that with you as well.

If you have a screen door leave the main door open so that if you need to call for help someone can hear you.

If you have neighbors close by let them know that you are having work done so they can help keep an eye on things.

If you live alone never reveal that. Make it appear that others live with you. If possible, have a friend or family member stay with you while the work is being done.

Put Away Valuables

Before the service worker arrives put away any valuables, this can include purses, wallets, jewelry, keys, identifying mail and documents, electronics, expensive artwork and medications.

Keep a Home Inventory List

Keep a home inventory list of everything valuable you own. It is a good idea to have the list for your own reference and for warranty and insurance purposes, but it also lets you know if anything is missing from your home. In the case of theft, you will need to know what you had including the name of the item, date of purchase, place of purchase, cost, serial number and other information to report the loss to the police and file an insurance claim.

Lock Up

After anyone has been in your home, service workers or even acquaintances you might not know well check every door and window and make certain they are locked and secured. Be sure to check every area of your home including the basement, attic and garage. Someone with malicious intentions can unlock a window or door while they are inside so that they can enter your home later.

Use Home Security Cameras

Home security cameras play an important role in keeping our homes safe, you can easily install inexpensive cameras throughout your house and monitor them using an app on your smartphone. When someone is working in your home you can keep an eye on them.

Be Aware of Scams

The only time you should allow someone into your home is when you have scheduled the visit. Scammers and criminals can pretend to be contractors, cable and utility company employees or other service professionals to try to gain entry into your home. Never allow anyone who just shows up at your door inside. Notify the police department if this happens.

Keep the Conversation Professional

Talk only about the work being done. Do not offer any personal information about yourself. If they ask personal questions don’t respond, direct the conversation back to the job. Criminals may ask questions to gather information about you that they can use to rob you or steal your identity.

Dogs are a Deterrent

According to an article published in The Guardian Former Burglars Say Barking Dogs are Deterrent

criminals that were surveyed said that dogs were a big deterrent. “Nearly half of the 12 former burglars consulted by Co-op Insurance said most thieves were opportunists wandering the streets who would avoid difficult break-ins that were likely to attract attention. The most effective deterrents for home burglaries and car theft were CCTV cameras, the panel said. They also named loud barking dogs, strong heavy doors, a TV being switched on and locked UPVC windows as the next most likely to put them off breaking into a home”

If you own a dog let it be known to the person doing the repairs. Just letting the dog bark while confined in a different room will work. If you don’t own a dog maybe you could have a dog you know over for a visit or consider getting a dog barking alarm to make it appear you have a dog. Barking Dog Motion Sensor

See Them Out

When the work is finished see them to the door and lock the door behind them. Watch them until they have gone.