Home record

What is the serial number of your furnace, how much did you pay for your refrigerator, what tools do you have in your toolbox? Can you answer these questions? You should be able to easily pull up this information, not only for your own reference but what if you need to file an insurance claim if there is a fire or burglary in your home? Keeping a detailed home inventory list and a home record are extremely important.

I like to keep a record of anything I need to remember, I do this for my home and the contents of my home. This list has been useful in so many situations. Maybe I am on the phone scheduling a service call and need to know the make and model of my furnace or water softener, or I am out shopping and need to know what kind of light bulb to buy for my refrigerator or what type of furnace filter I need.

To save time and trouble I keep a detailed list of anything I might need to know. I update the list often.

I keep a home inventory list that is separate from my home record although both contain some of the same information. The home inventory list is a record of everything I own. I include the name, make and model, serial number, date and place purchased, purchase price, warranty information and anything else that is relevant.

The home record is more of a diary of everything I need to remember. I keep both my home record and home inventory list on my computer, as a printed copy and online so that I have access to them when I am away from home and need to look up information.

Some Things to Include

Start with the basic information about your home. Your address, parcel number, square footage, number of rooms, year purchased, purchase price, and the name of your mortgage and insurance company. Include this information in both your home inventory list and your home record.

Also include measurements around your home, room sizes, window and door sizes, closet sizes, the size of each appliance and the space they take up, furniture measurements and any other details that may be useful. I have used this record when having new flooring installed, when calculating how much paint I need, when purchasing curtains and when having new furniture and appliances delivered. I have referenced the measurements on many occasions.

Any service or maintenance information, repairs, remodels, and any other work you have had done. Include detailed information about each job.

Keeping the make, model, serial number and type of appliances and other household items you have is very useful when you are looking for a part, filing a warranty claim or calling for service.

When I have a new appliance installed, I keep notes about the installation and any special instructions the installer has given me.

Include notes about everything you can think of, for example the type of products you like to use, where you purchased them, where items are located in your home, for example spare keys and important documents.

Include landscaping items such as when you planted a tree or shrub, where you purchased it and the name of it, how many times have you planted something and forgotten the name? Knowing how much acreage you have can help if you need to hire someone to mow or do other landscaping tasks.

You can include details about your favorite foods, personal care items, laundry and cleaning supplies and clothing and shoe sizes. Often, I find a product I really like but forget where I purchased it or the name of it while I am shopping. From my list I can easily find this information.

Take pictures of everything you own and walk around your home, inside and out and take a video. This is useful not only for your own records but also for insurance purposes.

Scan all your receipts so you have a digital copy.

Once you have your home inventory and home record saved on your computer be sure to do a regular backup and store a copy in a fireproof safe or another physical location.