save money on shippiing

Save Money on Shipping Costs

As of 2022, 75% of consumers shopped online at least once a month and 21% of global retail sales were done online the same year. On average, retailers expect customers to return about 16.6% of the merchandise that is purchased from them.

When I shop online, I almost exclusively buy products that offer free returns. Return shipping can cost as much or more than the product you purchased.

While the return shipping label may be free, packaging is not. When you return an item using UPS, FedEx, or another delivery service the item must be packaged properly before shipping.

I have learned to save the package the item came in, along with the packing material in case I need to return it. I have also setup a tote to store all of the material I need to ship packages.

In the tote keep scissors, packing tape, permanent markers, an ink pen, a box cutter and anything else that might be needed when shipping a package.

When you receive a delivery carefully open the containers so that you don’t damage them, keep the containers and the packing material.

Most shipments come in a padded shipping bag, poly mailer or cardboard box and contain packing material such as Styrofoam, bubble wrap, packing paper, foam pouches, packing peanuts and other fillers.

All of the items can be reused. Remove the shipping labels from each package, most peel off easily or can be covered using a permanent marker, you can also turn shipping bags inside out and use the clean side to attach the return label.

Keep all of this in your shipping tote and use it anytime you need to return a package.

You will never need to pay for shipping material again. Reusing these items is also a great way to recycle and cut down on landfill waste.

You can purchase packaging material from the shipper or at a store, but it costs money and why spend money when you can get it for free?