How to Pack Boxes When Moving

Preparing for a move is both exciting and overwhelming. When you pack boxes in an organized manner it makes unpacking at your new home much easier.

When you are changing locations, it is a great time to downsize and keep only what you want or need. Most of us have way too much.

Here are some packing and organizing tips that will make the move less stressful.

Get the Right Supplies

Before starting gather all of the supplies you will need.

Permanent markers, use these to label each box to identify the contents and mark the location the box will be placed in the new home.

Packing paper or newspaper, use this to wrap and secure fragile items before you put them in the box. This prevents them from being damaged during the move. For very fragile items use bubble wrap, Styrofoam or air bags.

Packing tape, once the box is packed use packing tape to secure the box. Double taping prevents the box from breaking apart during the move.

Boxes, you can purchase moving boxes or gather empty discarded boxes from local businesses. Thicker, reinforced boxes work best.

Scissors and a box cutter.

Labels and a label maker if you have one.

Trash bags.

Setup a Workstation

Choose an area in your home and set up a table and chair. Put all your supplies at the workstation, this makes everything easy to access and find. It also gives you a place to sit down and work. Put all your supplies back in the area at the end of the day, you don’t want to waste time looking for things lost in the clutter.

Clean the Clutter

Since you are removing everything from your current home it is the perfect time to get rid of anything you no longer want or need. Rent a dumpster if you have a lot of trash to get rid of and as you clear out cupboards, closets and entire rooms throw anything away that is not worth selling or donating.

Start one room at a time and create three piles, keep, sell and donate. Once you have the piles pack anything that you are keeping. Put the donate items in a box and put that in your vehicle to drop off at the donation center, sell the items in the sell pile. Move to the next room until the entire house is complete.

You don’t have to be a minimalist to appreciate less clutter.

Watch The Box Weight

While it is tempting to cram as much as you can into each box, don’t. Boxes that are too heavy are harder to carry and can break apart during the move. Pack each box so that it is light enough to easily lift and carry.  When packing the boxes, put heavier items on the bottom and lighter items on top. Heavy items on top can crush or damage what is underneath.

Wrap Fragile Items Individually

Wrap fragile items individually, don’t put them in a box randomly as they can press together and break. If the item is hollow like a vase or mug put packing material inside of the item before wrapping it. Be sure to mark the box “fragile”

Label Every Box

Label every box with the contents and where it will go in the new home. Label the top and side so that if the boxes are stacked you can still see the label. The label can include any special instructions such as “this side up” or “perishable” anything that will make unpacking easier.

Stack Boxes Based on Weight

If you are stacking boxes during the move, put heavier boxes on the bottom. This prevents lighter boxes from being crushed.

Fill Empty Areas in Boxes

If you have empty space inside of boxes fill the space with packing paper, bubble wrap or some other type of filler to prevent items from moving around inside of the box.

Start Early

As soon as you have a move date begin organizing and packing. Leaving yourself plenty of time reduces stress and chaos. Generally packing and organizing takes longer than you anticipate.

Save Essentials for the End

While you are packing and getting ready to move you are still going to be living in your home and there are items you will need to keep unpacked right up until moving day. Keep those items organized but set aside for easy access.

Photo of a plain white moving truck parked on the street in front of a house.