Living a Simple Life

About 7 years ago I read a book on finance and minimalism, and it changed the way I live my life. I have since become what I would describe as a frugal minimalist. I never realized how owning more than I needed was weighing me down both emotionally and physically. I have made some major changes, I got rid of 90% of my possessions and it was absolutely freeing. While this may not be right for everyone it has brought a sense of calm and peace to my life.

Minimal Wardrobe

The dress code where I work is somewhat casual, I have several outfits that I think of as my work uniforms. Most of the shirts I wear were given to me by the company I work for, with the company logo. I wear those with khaki pants and simple shoes each day. At home I dress comfortably and casually and have just what I need. All my clothes fit in one small closet and a basket; I don’t own a dresser. I shop mostly at thrift stores and the Goodwill, most of the time if I purchase something new, I get rid of something old. This keeps my wardrobe to a minimum.  

I Don’t Keep up or Compete with Anyone

My style is completely my own. I don’t pay attention to fashion or home decorating trends. I wear what is comfortable and furnish my home with just the items I need; it is calm and functional. I drive a car that is paid for. I don’t complete or compare myself or my life to anyone else.

Since my home is clutter free, it is easy to keep clean. Everything is organized and kept in its place. When you have fewer items to worry about, you just feel lighter. I have learned to appreciate empty space.

My Care Routine

When I became a minimalist, I threw away all of my makeup, hair dryer, hair straightener and other items. I don’t spend a lot at the beauty salon, just a basic haircut every few months. I wash my hair and let it dry naturally and it is so much healthier since I don’t apply heat to it anymore. I use moisturizer and my skin looks and feels better without makeup. I also save a lot of money not buying beauty products anymore. I use essential oils in place of perfume. It no longer takes me 45 minutes in the bathroom to get ready.

Meal Plan

The last thing I want to do when I get home from work is cook a meal which can take an hour or more. Instead, I spend a few hours each weekend preparing my meals for the week. When I get home in the evening it takes me just a few minutes to put dinner on the table.

Saving Money

My money philosophy is simple and basic, stick to a budget, fully fund an emergency account, contribute to a retirement account, save money from each paycheck in a savings account.

Eliminate anything that is unnecessary and a waste of money, for instance cable TV and streaming services, newspaper and magazine subscriptions, costly memberships that are not being used. Cut back on energy costs, don’t accumulate credit card debt. If you can’t pay for it, don’t buy it. Use your credit card as a tool to accumulate cash back and reward points and pay it off in full each month. If you want to buy something but don’t have the cash on hand save a little each payday until you have enough to buy it.

Being Grateful

I have learned that the key to happiness is being grateful for everything. I truly appreciate the smallest things. Gratitude has a significant impact on our mindset and wellbeing.

Gratitude is the act of recognizing and acknowledging the good things that happen, resulting in a state of appreciation.

Take time each day to recognize things you are grateful for.