What You Should Clean as Soon as You Check into A Hotel Room

Hotels have a cleaning routine in between guests, but they may not be cleaning the dirtiest areas of the room. Most cleaning consists of light tidying and housekeeping that does not eliminate germs, viruses, bacteria, bed bugs and other harmful pathogens.

Hotels are extremely high traffic areas where many people come in contact with the same surfaces. Without proper disinfection you risk illness and infection not to mention it is just unsanitary to stay in a dirty room.

We have become more aware of the dangers of germs and viruses since the Covid pandemic began. It is important to be cautious when staying somewhere other than our home. It is not just Covid we should be concerned with but other viruses, bacteria and germs as well.

When you check in, before you unpack, take a few minutes to clean the dirties places in the room.

Pack disinfectant spray and wipes, fabric sanitizer, disposable slippers or shoe covers, Ziplock bags of various sizes and rubber gloves when you travel.

The Bed

Don’t assume the bedding has been changed after the last guest checked out. While most hotels change the sheets many do not wash the comforters, bedspreads, duvet covers and pillows.

The bed can be one of the dirtiest places in a room. Just the mattress alone can harbor bed bugs, mites, bacteria, body fluids and millions of skin cells shed by other guests. Ideally the mattress should be covered. When you check in ask the front desk for all freshly laundered bedding, not just new sheets and ask for a fresh mattress cover if possible. Most hotels never wash the cover.

Don’t forget to wipe down the headboard and footboard which are loaded with germs.

Table and Counter Tops

Wipe down all surfaces before unpacking or setting your belongings on them. Viruses can remain on some surfaces for days. Covid-19 can linger for up to 4 days. Other viruses and bacteria such as rhinovirus and influenza, MRSA and E. Coli are easily spread.

Remote Control

The remote control is notorious for being dirty. As unpleasant as it is to think about some people do not wash their hands after using the restroom and they are handling the remote. Use disinfectant spray and wipes to clean the remote. You can even place the remote inside of a zipper bag to contain it.


Think of the phone the same as the remote. Not only are people handling it but placing it close to their nose and mouth, if they are sick the germs and viruses can linger on the phone for days. Spray and wipe it down.

Glasses & Coffee Mugs

Some hotels offer glasses and coffee mugs. These may not always be cleaned properly. If you use them, wash them first or carry your own mugs and cups with you when you travel. You can also ask the hotel for disposable plastic or paper cups. And if the room has a coffee maker clean it before using it. Mold and bacteria can reside in coffee makers.

Ice Buckets

You never know what a previous guest has used the ice bucket for, if you have ever talked to a hotel cleaning person you know that sick guests have been known to use the wastepaper basket or ice bucket as a vomit pail or toilet. Don’t use them, instead use a Ziplock bag to hold ice.

Room Keys & Cards

Tons of people have handled these. Wash them with disinfectant wipes as soon as you get to your room.

Door Handles

Everyone touches door handles. Wipe them down as soon as you check in. Wipe down the curtain pull handles as well.

Faucets & Knobs

Wipe down all faucets and knobs. These have been shown to contain more germs and bacteria than a toilet. Also wipe down the towel bars and handrails.

Lamps & Light Switches

Lamps and light switches should be cleaned with disinfectant wipes, everyone touches these.


It is never a pleasant experience to clean a toilet, especially one that is not your own, but better to clean it than to sit on it when it is dirty. Wear rubber cloves and spray the entire toilet including the handle with disinfectant spray and then wipe it down.

Tub & Shower

Spray the tub and shower with disinfectant cleaner and wipe down. Wear flip-flops or shower shoes when you take a shower. Never take a bath in a hotel room. The tubs have been used by many people and you don’t know what has been put in the tub by previous guests.

Sofas & Chairs

Fabric surfaces can harbor bed bugs, mites, germs, bacteria, stains and body fluids. Spray the entire surface with fabric sanitizer and use wipes to clean the arm rests. Ask the hotel for freshly laundered towels and lay them on the furniture before sitting down.

Carpets & Floors

You cannot clean the carpets, but you can avoid walking on them barefoot. Take disposable slippers or shoe covers and wear them in the room. Never let children play on the carpet and don’t lay a baby down to change them. Carpets are a breeding ground for all types of nasty things.

Take just a few minutes to clean the room when you arrive, doing so can prevent you from being exposed to germs, viruses and other contaminants.