Apartment Living Safety Tips

Apartment living can be convenient and cost effective. Many apartment complexes offer amenities that are appealing, these can include swimming pools, fitness centers, laundry facilities, community clubhouses, playgrounds and more. The owner is responsible for maintenance and repairs so those costs do not fall on the tenant.

Just like with all other types of living you should take measures to enhance your safety and wellbeing.

Secure the Doors & Windows

All of the entry doors should have both a handle lock and a deadbolt, chain locks offer very little protection. If the doors do not have deadbolt locks, ask the owner to install them. Keyless locks are also an option, many landlords will install additional security locks for you or reimburse you when you have them installed yourself.

Most apartment doors have peepholes, if there is no peephole ask to have one installed. This allows you to view who is at the door without unlocking it. You can also set up a security camera at each entry door that lets you to view and speak to the person at the door. Windows should all shut and lock securely. Consider installing alarms on the doors and windows so you will be alerted if someone tries to enter.

Install a Security System

Renters can get a basic security system for a reasonably low price and can customize it to fit their needs and budget. Home security systems are no longer one-size-fits-all, most home security companies offer a variety of products and programs to fit the needs of every customer. You may also receive a discount on your rental insurance when you have a security system in place.


The landlord should change the locks between tenants. Verify that this has been done and find out who else has a key to your apartment, often maintenance personnel have a set of keys. Make a copy of the keys you are given and keep them in a safe place.

Always Lock the Door

When you leave the apartment for any reason, even if you are just going to the mailbox, lock the door. When you live in a shared area there are always other people coming and going. It takes just a few minutes for someone to enter your apartment. And always keep your doors locked when you are inside.

Never Open Your Door to a Stranger

Never open your door or allow anyone into your apartment before you verify their identity. This goes for maintenance and service providers and others. If you are not expecting them, send them away, if you are expecting them require them to show proof of identity. When having work done inside of your apartment it is best to have someone else there with you. If that is not possible alert someone close to you that someone is there and possibly stay on the phone or web meeting with them until the service person is gone. If you have a trusted neighbor notify them that you will be alone in your apartment with a stranger so they can keep an eye out for you.

Use Blinds or Curtains

With many passersby blinds and curtains prevent people from looking in. Criminals scope a location and if they can easily look inside and see your belongings this puts you at risk. Even neighbors and others should not be able to look into your apartment.

Be Careful in The Laundry Room & Other Common Areas

Always carry your phone and keys with you. Don’t use common areas late at night or at times when you are more likely to be accosted. It is a good idea to carry a personal alarm and pepper spray when you are out.

When You are Away

When you are away, make it appear as if someone is at home. Leave a light and the radio or TV on. You can use timers to turn the devices on and off on a schedule. If you are going to be away for an extended period of time, ask a trusted person to keep an eye on your apartment while you are away. Don’t allow mail to pile up. Place a hold at the post office.

Keep Emergency Phone Numbers Handy

Keep emergency numbers in the contacts list on your phone where you can easily access them. You can also print the numbers and keep them on your refrigerator or another convenient location. The contacts can include police and fire, your physician’s office, the landlord and building maintenance personnel, and a trusted friend or neighbor.

Install a Fireproof Safe

Install a fireproof safe that is securely attached to the wall or floor. You may need the approval of your landlord to do this. Keep all of your valuables inside.

Smoke Alarms, Carbon Monoxide Detectors & Fire Extinguishers

Install smoke alarms & carbon monoxide detectors. The landlord should provide these. If not, install them yourself and ask for reimbursement. Have several fire extinguishers available.

Get Renters Insurance

Renter’s insurance is coverage for people renting an apartment, house or condo.

It covers your personal belongings and things like repair costs, medical payments, temporary living expenses if your rental becomes uninhabitable and unexpected personal property damage, theft and legal liability.


Most apartment complexes have group parking and criminals prowl these areas. Always lock your car and never keep valuables in your vehicle.

Know Your Neighbors

Be careful providing personal information to people you don’t know but get to know your neighbors. When neighbors know one another, they are more likely to watch out for each other and notify you of anything suspicious. You can also join a site like Nextdoor to keep up to date on the happenings in your area.