What Should Be Taught in Public Schools

The public education system in the United States is not doing enough to prepare students for life. Many schools do not teach basic life skills necessary to obtain a job and live independently after graduation.

Many of our current teaching standards should be reevaluated to better prepare students with employable and life skills.

Home Economics

Once a class offered in almost every high school, home economics is rarely a choice today. Traditionally the class taught basic life skills like cooking, sewing, cleaning and childcare. This prepared students to live on their own and understand how to manage everyday tasks. Much has changed over the years and a modern home economics class can teach traditional and updated skills. Graduates should know basic manners, time management, how to prepare a meal, do laundry, shop for groceries and maintain a living space.

Trade Training

Shop classes and other trade skill classes were once a common offering in high school. They prepared teens for basic employment upon graduation. We are seeing more schools offering trade skill training such as plumbing, HVAC, welding, accounting, LPN and phlebotomy, electricity, STEM classes and job interview and resume writing that prepare them for employment in fields that are in demand.

Everyday Finance

While algebra and geometry are important, so is knowing how to balance your check book, write a check, open a bank account, invest money, file your tax returns, apply for a loan, manage a debit and credit card and pay housing and utility bills. Many adults don’t have these basic, common-sense skills. Credit card debt is at an all-time high and people don’t understand how to create a budget and live within their means.

Cursive Writing

Sadly, many schools have quit teaching cursive writing. Without knowing how to read or write in cursive children cannot read some books and other publications, family history letters and other documents or sign their name.


Health class was once commonplace in high schools across the country. Understanding human health and how our bodies work is important. Health classes can include human anatomy, hygiene, drug, alcohol, and tobacco prevention, safety & first aid, obtaining medical care and exercise and nutrition.

Study Skills

Schoolchildren of all ages are required to study but many do not know how. This is a class that should be taught early on and continue throughout middle and high school. Teaching study techniques and the most effective ways to study will improve grades and make learning more fun and less stressful. It also prepares them should they decide to go to college where many hours are spent studying.

U.S. Government

Some schools don’t offer U.S. Government as part of their curriculum. Every American should know how our government works. Students should know the structure and operation of the government, the US Constitution, how laws and bills are decided and implemented, the rights and responsibilities of people living in a democratic society, the basis and foundation of the United States political system, know and understand the branches of government, and how the voting system works.