How to Make Friends as an Adult

Remember how easy it was to make friends when you were a child? It came naturally and some of those friends may still be part of your life, but as we get older it is often more difficult to make lasting friendships. In part this may be because we are more selective about the people we want as friends, and we might not have as many opportunities to meet new people.

Some friends we had may no longer be in our lives for various reasons, maybe they have moved away, passed away or we have just lost contact with them, and it is natural to grow apart from some friends because our interests and thinking may change as we age.

But just because making friends may not come as easily, it can be done, and it is worth the effort. Friendships can have a positive impact on our mental health and happiness. Most of us value friendship and having a few close friends makes life more enjoyable.

According to a study done by Pew Research, when they asked people what factors lead to a fulfilling life,

71% said having a job or career they enjoy is extremely or very important and 61% said the same about having close friends.

So how do we make friends as adults? Here are just a few ideas.

 Connect With Acquaintances

You may already know people who might make good friends. These could be people you know from work, school, the gym, the library, or other places you go.

Since you already know them start a conversation, invite them to lunch or to a movie or find something you are both interested in and plan an outing. This allows you to get to know them on a more personal level outside of the places you normally see them.

Seek Out People Who Share Your Interests

Friendships often happen when we meet someone who shares an interest or hobby. Join a club or organization, participate in local events and activities, or sign up for a class, you could even join a support group if you have the need where you will meet people in similar situations. All these places put you in contact with like-minded people.

Education and Learning

Enroll in a class or college course or take part in other types of learning activities. Educational facilities are great places to meet people.


If you like to travel you can sign up for group trips, these can be day trips or longer. Many communities have bus trips that visit local attractions. There are group trips to almost any destination.


There are numerous ways to meet people online including social media groups, friend apps, neighborhood groups, online book clubs and more. Whatever you are interested in there is most likely a group you can join where you can connect with others who share the same interests.

Volunteer Work

Volunteering is a great way to meet new people. Your community probably has many places to volunteer, for example you can volunteer at a local nursing home, school, hospital, animal shelter, food bank or Meals on Wheels. Research your area and pick something you might enjoy.

Dog Parks

If you own a dog, take them to the local dog park, while your pet has fun you can spend time talking to other pet owners. You can break the ice by talking about your pet, what pet foods and treats they like and who you use for grooming and veterinary services. If you meet someone you would like to get to know better, you can plan a dog walk or another activity with or without your pets.

Family and Friend Functions

You can often meet new people when you attend a family or friend gathering such as a house party, birthday celebration, wedding, baby shower, barbeque, or other event.

Hiking & Walking

You can meet others on the trail or walking in your neighborhood, many communities have walking and hiking groups you can join. Often people are looking for a walking or hiking partner which can lead to a lasting friendship.

Community Centers

Almost every town has a community center that hosts political discussions, book launches, game and card nights, craft shows and other activities. People who visit these places are interested in learning about things that you may be interested in as well.

Coffee Shops

Coffee shops are everywhere, and many people go there to relax, read, and visit with others. Try a few different places, you never know who you might meet.

Bookstores and Libraries

Bookstores and libraries often host different events. Public libraries offer classes, book clubs, movie nights, music clubs and more. You can meet people just browsing the book selection at either place.

Put yourself out there, be open and friendly and not afraid to strike up a conversation.