Keeping Kids Entertained on a Long Road Trip

We all look forward to vacation time with our family, if your plans include a long car ride with children it helps to prepare ahead of time so that the trip is enjoyable. Traveling with children can be a challenge but you can make it fun for everyone with some simple planning.


Keeping the lines of communication open with our children can be a challenge, small children are on the move so it may be difficult to hold their attention when talking to them and older kids may be busy with other activities. A long car trip is the perfect opportunity to engage your kids in conversation.


Pack a cooler with snacks and drinks, this will keep everyone happy between meal stops. Plan a grocery store trip before you leave and let the kids choose their favorite snacks to take along. Pack paper towels and wipes to clean up after eating.

Watch Movies

Some vehicles come with TV screens in the headrest, if yours doesn’t you can bring a portable DVD player or a tablet so that the kids can watch movies during the trip.

Travel Tray

Pick up a travel tray for each child. This gives them a sturdy, flat surface for activities, snacks and meals, some come with a cup holder and pocket to hold small items to keep them from rolling around.

Entertainment Bag

Pack a bag for each child that contains small toys, coloring book, crayons and markers, travel games, books, handheld electronic games, puzzle and activity books, blanket and pillow, binoculars, favorite stuffed animal, and other items that will keep them comfortable and entertained.


Depending on the child’s age you can pack a notebook or diary for them to record details about the trip, this keeps them occupied and gives them something to look back on later. You might include a camera or smartphone so they can take pictures along the way. Some children enjoy writing stories, encourage them to write a story about the trip. Younger kids can draw pictures of places and things they see along the way.

Traditional Car Games

Traditional car games can be fun, I-spy, singing travel songs, 20 questions, Simon says, the license plate game and other fun games can keep kids entertained for hours.

Family Play List

Create a play list that includes music, audiobooks, standup comedy, and stories. Anything that your family enjoys will keep everyone entertained.

Plan Breaks

Research attractions you will encounter along the way, parks, museums, fun eateries, historical sites and charming towns. Plan stops at these places to get the kids and yourself out of the car and engaged in fun, educational activities along the way.

Pack a First Aid Kit & Emergency Car Kit

Pack for safety as well as fun, you should always have a first aid kit and emergency car kit in your vehicle, but this is especially important during a long trip. Emergencies and breakdowns can happen and being prepared can make those events more manageable.

Lost Child Plan

As soon as kids are old enough, they should memorize their full name, their parent’s full names, their address and phone number. There are products such as ID bracelets and trackers like Samsung SmartTags and Apple Air Tags that can be attached to children to track their location. You can also sew or attach contact information to the child’s clothes or shoes.

Kids should know what to do if they become separated from you, how to find safe people such as police officers, and other adults that they can go to for help. Before leaving for the trip talk to your kids and go over everything they should know in case of an emergency.