How to Spot a Fake Website

Scammers and cybercriminals will try anything to steal your money and your identity, one tactic they use is setting up fake websites that look real but when you land on one you risk being exposed to malware, identity theft, and financial loss.

So how do you spot a fake website? Here are some things you should watch out for.

URL Errors & Website Security

Carefully examine the URL of the websites you visit. They should begin with https indicating that the site is secure, although don’t depend on this completely, fake sites can also begin with https. Also look for the padlock symbol, this symbol indicates whether a site has a security certificate. A security certificate also known as an SSL certificate — verifies that any information you send to the site can’t be intercepted by others. Verify that the domain name is legitimate.

Design Errors and Poor Quality

Legitimate website designers take the time to make sure their site is well constructed and doesn’t contain errors, criminals often put up a site quickly so fake websites are more likely to contain mistakes. Look for red flags like spelling and grammar errors, pixelated or low-quality images, poor design or layout, no contact information or FAQ page and anything else that seems out of place or unusual.

Check the Domain Age

Fraudulent websites typically don’t stay up for long. Check the domain age to see how long the website has been online.

Price & Return Policy

When shopping online beware of sites offering prices that seem too good to be true. Also be suspicious of non-traditional payment methods such as gift cards, bank transfers, cryptocurrencies, or payment apps. Legitimate websites clearly show their shipping and return policy. You should also see the sites terms and conditions, privacy policy, and data collection policy. If this information is nonexistent or unclear, be suspicious.

Do a Search

Do a search using the website name followed by the words scam and reviews. If others have fallen victim to a fraudulent website, you are likely to find reviews, comments or articles related to the fake site.

Use a Website Checker

Use a website checker like this one from Digicert to verify if a website is secure. A secure website check can alert you to any vulnerabilities with the site.