Packing a Suitcase For Travel

Packing and organizing your luggage for an upcoming trip can be daunting. You don’t want to under pack and forget something important and you don’t want to over pack especially if you are flying and want to keep everything in one carry on or just not exceed the airline baggage weight limit.

Create a Packing List

Make a list of the items you want to take and consider each item carefully. Many people tend to over pack when traveling. Pack the list in your suitcase, review the list when you repack to return home to make sure you are not forgetting anything and if your luggage is lost or stolen while you are away you will have the list to refer to if you need to file an insurance claim.

Consider Your Mode of Transportation

Much of what you pack and how you pack will depend on how you are getting to your destination. You may be more limited if you are flying as airlines have size and weight limits and often a hefty baggage fee. You may want a different type of suitcase when flying, one with wheels for example. If you are traveling by car, you will not be limited by those same constraints.

Gather Your Items

If possible, gather everything on your list at the same time. Then once you start putting items in the suitcase you can arrange and organize them for the best fit.

The clothes you take will depend on your destination, the type of trip (personal or business) the events you will be attending and the activities you have planned. To reduce the amount of clothing you take choose neutral colors so that you can easily mix and match garments and plan each day’s outfits ahead of time. Also consider the weather and environment. Do you need rain gear, a heavy jacket, hiking boots, hats, gloves, etc.

How to Pack


Rolling clothes allows you to fit more items into your suitcase and reduces wrinkling. You can also bundle your clothes. You start with a core piece and then wrap other clothing around that item, creating a bundle, or fold them into thin compact folds.

When placing items into your bag put the larger items on the outside and fill the space in between with smaller objects.


Shoes should be placed on the bottom and enclosed in shoe bags or even small trash bags so they don’t soil the clothes. Pack some zipper bags and small trash bags inside of the shoes. You can use these for dirty and wet clothing when repacking.


Use designated bags or packing cubes for jewelry, belts, hats, gloves and other accessories. These items can be placed on top of the shoes.


Take along only what you need. Buy travel sized items at the dollar store before you leave. In an emergency you can always buy something you forgot once you get to your destination. Many hotels provide shampoo and conditioner, soap, hair dryers and other personal care items. Call ahead and find out what they supply. Pack the toiletry items in the top of your bag. TSA can easily check those items without having to sort through your bag if you are flying.

Prescription & Over the Counter Medication

Take along any prescription and over the counter medications and leave them in the original container. See recommendations from the US Customs and Border Protection and TSA on the requirements pertaining to prescribed and over the counter medications if you are flying.

Don’t Overpack Tech Items

Do you really need to take your iPad, tablet, laptop and other gear? Most of us can do everything we need to on our smartphone. Take the time to disconnect while on vacation. If it is a business trip take only what you need.

Do take a few phone chargers, it is a good idea to have a spare in case one is lost or left behind when changing hotels. Take a portable power bank.

Travel Documents

There are items you should take with you on every trip. This can include passports, travel visas, driver’s license, credit cards, cash, travel insurance documents, medical insurance cards, boarding pass and tickets, keys, important phone numbers and contact information, travel itinerary, COVID-19 documents and a copy of your children’s birth certificate.

Make copies of all your travel documents and keep the originals and the copies in two separate locations, for example carry the originals in one bag and keep the copies in another. If the originals are lost or stolen, you will have the copies to refer to. Also make a digital copy of each document, one that you can easily access on your smartphone.

Take Pictures of What You Pack

Before leaving for your trip take pictures of everything you are taking along. This will be beneficial if your bags are lost or stolen and you need to file an insurance claim.

Apple Air Tags & Samsung Smart Tags

These are great for tracking your belongings. Attach them to your valuable items and put one in each bag.

Handy Items to Pack

No matter what kind of trip you are taking there are some useful items you might want to take along.

A bag to hold dirty laundry, a charger for your phone and other electronics, a travel umbrella, wet wipes, Ziplock bags, bug spray, sunscreen, a flashlight, foldable tote for outings, a shawl or blanket, reusable water bottle, power strip, luggage scale and luggage locks and a travel size steamer or iron.