What Minimalism Isn’t

Minimalism means different things to different people. For me it means living a simple, clutter free life. It means I own what I need and love and avoid getting caught up in materialism and consumerism. Not only do I own less but I want less. It is an entire mindset. The less I have the better I feel.

I think the lines become blurred, often people have this preconceived notion of what it means to be a minimalist and anything outside of that is not accepted. There is no reason to set rules as to what it is, make your own rules and live life the way you want to, it does not matter what others think or how they define minimalism. You are free to make your own choices and decide for yourself what it means to you.

Here are a few things that I feel minimalism isn’t.

Living with Nothing

It does not mean getting rid of everything you own and sleeping on the floor, you can own whatever you like, the idea is to have what you need and find useful and that will be different for each person. Minimalism is not about deprivation, its about having more time, space, and freedom in your life.

Not a Competition

Your form of minimalism and someone else’s will be completely different, and you are not in a competition to see who owns less or gets rid of more. It is a personal choice and you set your own rules.

Not The Same as Frugal

Minimalism and frugality are not the same. Someone who is frugal wants to spend less and save more, minimalism is about owning and wanting less. But they can go hand in hand and many minimalists are also frugal. When you intentionally strive to own less you will automatically save more money.

Plain White Rooms with No Furniture

Being a minimalist does not mean you live in a sterile, white, empty, plain environment.

While my walls are painted white and I have just a few pieces of furniture, others may have much more and paint their walls vibrant colors. Your home with be unique to you.

It is Not Just About Things

Minimalism is more than just what you own. It applies to all areas of your life, it is about deciding what you value the most and nurturing that and avoiding anything that does not fit for you. A clutter free home is just one aspect, it also applies to your finances, digital life, activities, and beliefs.

It’s Not Restrictive

It does not mean that you are not allowed to have what you want, it is about finding a place of contentment and peace. About not letting your things “own” you. You can still have hobbies and collections if those things bring you joy and serve a purpose.

It is Not Perfectionism

It does not mean that your home is perfect, and everything is always clean and put away, instead it means that when you do clean up there is less to deal with, and you have a place to put things. You don’t have unnecessary clutter and what you do have is useful and serves a purpose.

It’s Not Inconvenient

Living with less does not mean you will be inconvenienced. Instead, you will be able to find what you are looking for when you need it, it means you do not have duplicates, instead you utilize what you have to serve more than one purpose, for example you might have a multipurpose tool instead of 10 screwdrivers.

You Can’t Be a Minimalist if You Have Children

You can absolutely be a minimalist if you have children, in fact you can raise your children with the minimalist mindset. We live in a world where consumerism and competing with others is accepted as normal. By being an example to your children they learn to appreciate people, time, and experiences instead of material possessions. It also teaches them to be grateful and generous.

Practice whatever form of minimalism that works for you. Don’t compare yourself to others or follow any social norms that don’t make sense to you.