Little Habits That Save Time

Life is busy and if tasks and chores are put off, they just pile up. Here are some simple habits that take just a few minutes each day but save time in the long run.

Meal Prep

Who wants to come home from work and spend hours in the kitchen cooking dinner and cleaning up afterwards? Instead spend a few hours each weekend preparing meals for the week. You can freeze almost anything, casseroles, meats, soup, baked goods, etc. Package the food in meal size servings and pull them out when you are ready to use them.

Not only do you save time and money by buying and preparing your own food, but it allows you to make healthy food choices, and you will be less tempted to order takeout because you don’t feel like cooking.

Clean When Cooking

When cooking, wash dishes and cleanup the kitchen as you go. It is more time consuming to clean up a big mess afterwards.

Use Online Bill Pay

Sign up for online bill pay and statements, you never have to worry about late payments, and you don’t waste money on paper checks, stamps and envelopes. It also cuts down on paper clutter since you are not receiving bills in the mail, and it reduces the risk of mailbox theft since you won’t have a lot of mail containing personal information being delivered.

Use a Calendar

Use a calendar to make appointments and document other important information. You can sync the information between your phone and computer so that you can easily access the calendar at home or while you are away. As soon as you schedule an appointment or other event add it to your calendar and set a reminder so that you don’t forget important dates.

Have a Routine

Have a daily routine and try to schedule reoccurring tasks such as cleaning, laundry, lawn care, grocery shopping etc. on the same day each week. This reduces stress and prevents decision fatigue.

Make Lists

Make to do and grocery lists. You can keep the lists on your computer and sync it with your phone. Most of us cannot remember everything we need to pick up at the grocery store, having a list prevents return trips to the store because you forgot something. To do lists keep you on track and it fees satisfying when you cross an item off the list.

Answer & File Email

Once a day read, reply to file and delete email. This reduces inbox clutter which can pile up quickly.

Go Through Mail Daily

Sort through your daily mail and take care of it at that time, it becomes a bigger task if you allow mail to pile up.  

Keep Your Gas Tank Full

You spend less each time if you keep your fuel tank full and you never have to worry about running out of gas, it just helps to reduce stress and is better for your vehicle.

10 Minute Projects

Each day complete several tasks that take just a few minutes, this could include making lists, making a phone call that you have been putting off, filling the salt and pepper shakers, refilling liquid soap dispensers, tidying a drawer or cupboard, running the vacuum, organizing paperwork and other small jobs that can be done quickly.

Stock Up

To save trips to the store stock up on the items you use most often. Watch for sales and buy then. You might invest in a chest freezer to store frozen foods and the meals you prep.

Look for ways that work for you to save time and reduce stress.