Home Warranty Scam

Home warranty scams happen when a homeowner receives a letter that looks like it is coming from their mortgage company or the country recorder’s office. It urges them to call a phone number regarding “time-sensitive” mortgage information. It goes on to say that their home warranty coverage is about to expire and they must purchase a new warranty.

This is a scam designed to scare you into signing up for or renewing a home warranty that you never had and don’t need. Your mortgage company will not send you mail about a home warranty, and they don’t require homeowners to have one.

If you receive a letter like this do not respond, if you are concerned call your mortgage company directly using the phone number found on your mortgage statement.

A legitimate company will never make you feel pressured or try to intimidate you, if threatening or unnecessary urgency is used it is almost certainly a scam. Do not give out any personal information to a company that sends you a letter or cold calls you.

Report any scams to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)