Packing your children’s lunch can save money and ensure they are eating foods that are nutritious and healthy. Most school cafeterias have just a few options each day to choose from and your child may not like the foods being offered, you know what you kids like so you can pack a lunch that you know they will eat.

Here are some tips on packing a healthy lunch that kids will enjoy.

Food Prep

Mornings are already busy for most families, so you don’t want to spend a bunch of time preparing and packing lunches. Plan the lunches for the week and on the weekend get everything ready ahead of time, cut up fruits and vegetables, cook foods ahead and store them in the refrigerator or freezer. Plan your weekly dinners so that you cook enough for leftovers which make great lunches the next day. Anything you can prepare ahead saves time in the morning.

Choose a Lunchbox

Choose a lunchbox that is easy for them to carry, is insulated and leak proof, has several compartments and is easy to clean. Get your kids involved when choosing a lunchbox so that they are happy to pack their lunch. Keep a change purse in the lunchbox so they have money for drinks or special treats when needed.

Give Them Choices

We try to make healthy choices when we feed our family, but you want to pack foods that the kids will actually eat and enjoy. Let them help you choose the foods. You can give them several healthy choices and let them pick. Get them involved in making the grocery list. If they feel like they have a choice, they will be more likely to eat their lunch. Choose foods from each (or most) of the food groups that provide a balanced lunch.

Don’t Pack Banned Foods

Due to allergies and food restrictions some schools have a list of foods that are not allowed. Check with your child’s school so you know what not to pack.

Stay Away from Foods That Smell Strong or Are Very Messy

Its best to stay away from foods with strong odors or foods that are super messy or spill easily.

Temperature Matters

If you are packing hot or cold foods, be sure the lunchbox and container can maintain a proper temperature, some foods can spoil if they are not stored properly. If you are packing soup or other liquids that need to be kept warm use an insulated thermos. Use reusable ice packs for cold food.

Make Food Easily Accessible

Especially for smaller children make sure they can easily open and access the foods you pack. Some prepackaged foods can be hard to open. Cut fruits, vegetables and other foods and store them in a zipper bag or container. Most schools offer just 20-30 minute lunch periods so kids need to be able to unpack and eat quickly.

Pack Strategically

Carefully pack the food so that it is not crushed, smashed or spilled. Lunchboxes can be jarred and tossed around, and it is no fun to open a lunchbox to find a squashed sandwich or a spilled drink.

Keep Foods on Hand

Stock up on the foods you kid’s like so that you always have them on hand and ready to go.  

Let Them Pack

When you kids are old enough teach them how to pack their own lunches. This fosters independence and teaches them about food preparation and nutrition which are valuable life skills.

Left alone, kids would fill their lunchboxes with foods that are not necessarily healthy. So, give them guidelines for a balanced meal. Ideally, their lunchbox should include a mix of protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats, and fruits and vegetables. Show them how to prepare and pack the foods and how to clean their lunchbox and food containers at the end of each day and prepare for the next.