Tips For Safe Travel

Traveling for business and pleasure can be fun, but there are security precautions you should take to make sure you are safe while you are away.

Use Reputable Sites and Apps

Fraudulent airline tickets, car rentals and hotel reservation sites are increasingly common. Scammers are everywhere and there are so many travel sites and apps to choose from it is hard to know which are safe. You don’t want to get scammed before you even leave for your trip.

Don’t use a website or app that you are unfamiliar with. Criminals put up fake sites and apps all the time and their goal is to steal your money and your identity.

Do your research when deciding which website or app to use. All secure websites should start with “https” and have a padlock symbol, but don’t rely on this entirely, fraudulent websites can appear to be secure.

Check out the company on the Better Business Bureaus website. A reputable company should be listed with a good rating. If the company is not listed don’t do business with them.

Get referrals from travel agents and friends.

Read online reviews and do a search for the company to gather more information.

Always use your credit card to pay. A credit card offers more protection against fraud.

A legitimate company should be completely transparent with their pricing.

The company should be easy to contact by phone, if contact information is missing or hard to locate on their website don’t use them.

They should offer only secure payment methods like credit cards, be suspicious of a company who asks for payment using payment apps, bank transfers or money orders.

Don’t use a website advertised on social media or one that pops up on your screen.

Be suspicious of deals that seem too good to be true, if the price is extremely low that can be a red flag. Call the hotel’s customer service number directly for more information.

After booking a flight or room be cautious of any email you receive that wants you to click a link to confirm your reservation or flight. Although legitimate companies do send this type of email message so do scammers and clicking a link could direct you to a fraudulent website. They can steal your payment and personal information, your frequent flyer points or even hijack your ticket.

When you are booking a flight or room be suspicious of any company that makes you feel pressured.

Consider using a travel agent. They are trained, licensed and experience to handle all kinds of travel.

Secure Your Luggage

Stolen and lost luggage can ruin a trip. You don’t want to arrive at your destination without your belongings.

If possible, pack everything in one carry on bag. See my article How to Pack Everything in One Carry-on Bag If you carry your bag with you, it will not get lost.

Attach Apple Air Tags, Samsung Smart Tags or another type of tracker to your luggage and valuables. You can easily track your belongings if you become separated from them. Many airlines offer luggage tracking through their mobile app. Download the app before leaving for your trip.

Attach travel locks to your luggage and bags and use them to secure your belongings at the airport, in your room and at restaurants and other venues.

Be Cautious Using Public Wi-Fi

See my article Risks of Using Public Wi-Fi Public Wi-Fi offers a convenient way to connect but with that convenience comes the danger of having your personal and confidential information stolen. These networks are not only convenient for you but also for hackers. Hackers can setup a hotspot in a public area and name it something that makes users think they are connecting to the businesses public Wi-Fi hotspot. They often use the same SSID (the name of the network) as the business. When you use a fraudulent connection, you run the risk of having your financial and personal information stolen. Consider using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) which encrypts your data.

Share Your Itinerary

Share your travel information with a trusted friend or family member before you leave. Someone you trust should know your travel plans and schedule. Give them a copy of your itinerary including the address and phone number of where you will be staying and your flight arrangements.  

You can also share your location with others using your iPhone or Android. You can toggle it on while you are away so that if there is a problem you can easily be located.

Familiarize Yourself with The Destination

Research the area where you will be staying. You should know the safety ratings and where the local police station and hospital are located. Add local emergency phone numbers, your hotel and airline number and emergency contact number to your contact list. Look into local restaurants, entertainment, and transportation so that you have an idea what is available when you arrive.

Guard Your Possessions

Consider investing in anti-theft clothing and bags that will make it more difficult for criminals to steal money and other valuable items. Limit the amount of cash you carry and streamline your wallet and purse so that you are only carrying what is necessary, this limits what is lost if they are stolen. If the hotel has a safe lock your valuables inside and make digital copies and hard copies of all travel documents including your ID and passport, when you are out for the day keep the originals in the safe.

Maintain a Low Profile

Safety really begins with awareness, you should be aware of your surroundings and also aware of how you conduct yourself in public places.

When you are out pay attention to what is going on around you, it is easy to relax and forget common sense safety practices when you are on a trip in an unfamiliar environment. Popular tourist destinations are hot spots for criminals who prey on travelers.

Try to blend in with the locals as much as possible, don’t “look” like a tourist. Avoid wearing expensive jewelry and accessories and carrying expensive handbags.

Don’t go out alone, especially at night.

Carry yourself with purpose, walk with your head up and stand straight. This projects strength and confidence which serves as a deterrent against predators.

Don’t overshare information with strangers, scammers pretending to be locals or other travelers can use the information they obtain from you for malicious purposes. Never post your trip information or photos on social media.