How Eating Out Can Wreck Your Budget

Eating out rates among the top causes of personal debt.

Restaurant prices have soared, a study done by the Statista Research Department, determined that most customers, 42% spent an average of $11.00-$22.00 each time they ate out, while 8% of those surveyed said they spent $50 or more.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the average American household spends about $3,600 a year dining out.

Eating out does not only wreck your budget but can lead to debt. If you are in the habit of frequently eating out you can replace that bad habit with a new one, preparing and eating your meals at home.

To calculate how much you are spending on eating out track how much you spend on meals, lunches, fast food, pizza, snacks, and beverages for a week, then multiply that number by 52. This will give you a good idea what it is costing you annually.

You are not only spending more on food when you eat out but ultimately more on health care costs as well because meals out are often unhealthy.

So how can we stop eating out as often and instead prepare our meals at home?

Start a Savings Account

After you calculate how much you are spending weekly on eating out start a savings account and deposit that amount of money into the account each week. This will keep you motivated as you see your savings grow. The money can be used for an emergency fund, to start an investment account, as a vacation fund or to pay down debt.

Plan Ahead

Plan your weekly meals ahead, create menu plans and make a grocery list and shop for the items you need.

Remember the Crock Pot

One of the best inventions ever! Crock pots are great for making entire meals quickly, think pot roast, chili, soups, chicken, sloppy joes, pulled pork, casseroles, enchiladas, spaghetti and meat balls, mac & cheese and other pasta dishes there are literally thousands of crock pot recipes.

Meal Prep

Spend a few hours prepping your meals and lunches for the week. Cook food ahead of time and refrigerate or freeze it, chop up fruits and vegetables for easy access, help your children choose their lunch items and pack each day. If your meals are prepped ahead of time and ready to go you will not spend hours after work cooking and cleaning up.


You might be surprised at all of the foods you can freeze. Prepare freezer meals ahead so you always have quick meals on hand, freeze leftovers and extra food, meats, bread, fruits and vegetables and dairy items. You can do a quick internet search to find out if a food is freezable.

Eat Leftovers

According to the US Department of Agriculture, an estimated 30-40% of food is wasted every year in the US. Leftovers get a bad rap, but they shouldn’t. When you prepare your meals, you can actually plan to cook 2 meals at once so that you have another meal for later in the week or to freeze for another time and many foods actually taste better when they are reheated.

Meals on The Go

If you are out for the day take along packed lunches, snacks and beverages so you are not tempted to drive through a fast-food restaurant.

Cook Together

Teach your kids how to follow recipes and prepare meals. Not all of us like to cook but we can all learn to do it. Use recipe books or watch videos on the internet to learn more and get meal ideas.

Pizza Night

You don’t have to order takeout pizza to enjoy pizza night at home you can make pizzas on your own, it is very simple to make a pizza crust and add the toppings.

Keep Emergency Foods on Hand

You might find you are eating out because you are in a hurry and hungry and don’t want to spend the time to cook a meal. Keep emergency foods on hand that are quick and easy to prepare. Frozen pizzas and prepackaged boxed and frozen foods can be used to make a meal quickly. Read the labels and try to make healthy choices.

Keep The Pantry Stocked

Keep the pantry stocked with all the foods you use often. Pasta, rice, grains, canned goods, jarred foods, cereal, spices, baking staples, oils and vinegars, preserves and pickles, condiments and sauces, nuts, popcorn, crackers and snack foods are the types of pantry essentials that are the basis of many meals and have a long shelf life.

Pack Lunches the Night Before

Pack work and school lunches the night before so you don’t feel rushed in the morning. When kids are old enough, they can pack their own lunches.

Special Occasions

Make eating out a special treat, on birthdays, anniversaries, or other special occasions. Plan and save money in advance for special dinners out.

Plan Special Meals at Home

A special meal does not have to mean dinner at an expensive restaurant. Plan a meal at home, decide on a menu, set a pretty table with nice dishes and candles, put on your favorite music and dress for the occasion, make it special.

Dinner with Friends

If you find that you are often eating out with friends to socialize, find other ways to get together, take turns hosting meals at home, go for a walk, meet at the park, plan movie or game nights at home and make your own pizzas.