Thank You Gifts to Give a Minimalist

I know it might sound strange to some people, but I don’t like to receive gifts. It’s not that I don’t appreciate the thought behind the gift it’s just that I feel very uncomfortable getting something that I don’t need. I know I am not alone, if you are a minimalist, you probably feel the same way.

I am never looking to add more things to my home, quite the opposite I am always looking for ways to own even less.

There are times when you want to give someone a thank you gift because they have done something for you, but if they are a minimalist it can be difficult to decide what type of gift to give them. Here are a few gift ideas that most minimalists would appreciate.

Gift Cards

I know a lot of people find these impersonal, but most minimalists would appreciate a gift card for something they use often, this might be a gift card for a local grocery store, gas station, car wash, beauty salon, massage therapist or restaurant.

Subscription Service

If you know the person well, you can give them a subscription service. A subscription to a magazine, streaming service, or Amazon Prime for example. It could be membership to a fitness center, or an annual membership to a local attraction. Something they would enjoy that they may not include in their monthly household budget.

 Personal Time

Just scheduling time to spend with the person is a wonderful thank you gift, it can be something as simple as dinner out, a trip to the farmers market or park, a museum visit. Anything that you know the person would enjoy.

Tickets or Passes

Again, you need to know the person and what they like and dislike but tickets for the theater or a movie, a concert or a play, the opera or a sporting event. Or passes to the zoo, a museum or art gallery, national park, or a fitness class.

Consumable Gifts

If you want to give them a tangible gift, make it something consumable. This could be their favorite food, coffee or tea, fruit or wine basket, favorite lotion, or bath product. Cook them dinner or bake their favorite treat, something they will use up with nothing left behind.

A Charity Donation

You might donate in their name to a charity they support. Send them a nice thank you card with the donation information included.