Caring for Your Roof

Your roof is a major investment, and you want to keep it in good repair. Regular maintenance can prolong the life of your roof and prevent costly repairs.


If you need to replace your roof, get several estimates from qualified, licensed, fully insured professionals. Be sure to check their reputation with the better business bureau and ask for references.

Don’t always go with the lowest estimate, quality is important when having a new roof installed. The roofing company should have years of experience and use quality materials. They should provide a contract that you both sign and agree on and their work should come with a written guarantee.

Inspect it Regularly

Inspect your roof several times a year, look for any signs of damage such as worn shingles or gaps and cracks. Inspect the flashing around the chimney and vent pipes and make any necessary repairs.

Clean The Gutters

Clogged gutters can overflow with water causing damage to the roof. Clean your gutters each spring and fall. Consider having gutter guards installed to prevent debris from accumulating in the gutters.

Ventilation and Insulation

Be sure your attic is properly ventilated, during winter ice dams can form causing water to back up below the shingles causing water to leak into your home. Proper insulation in the attic helps to prevent damage by keeping the heat in your home from escaping through the roof.

Remove Snow

After a heavy snow use a snow rake to remove snow from the roof. When snow accumulates on the roof it can damage the roof and cause the roof to collapse.

Trim Trees

Keep trees near your house trimmed and healthy, fallen limbs can cause damage and overhanging branches can come down during a storm, leaving a hole in the roof. Falling leaves can also build up on your shingles and trap moisture underneath, causing premature roof decay. Limbs that are too close to the house can also allow squirrels and other animals to enter your home.

Remove Moss and Mold

Algae, moss, and mold can all cause extensive damage to your roof, if you find this on your roof remove it as soon as possible. You can do it yourself or hire a professional to do it for you. Hardware stores sell premixed solutions specifically made for roofs and siding. After the roof has been cleaned you can apply preventative products that keep the algae, moss, and mold from growing back.

Check for Leaks in the Attic and Ceiling

Visually inspect your attic and ceilings for any signs of leaking or water damage.

Get a Roof Inspection

Hire a roofing specialist to perform an inspection every few years or after a storm. A professional can spot signs of decay and damage that may not be obvious to the homeowner.