Secure Your Home When You Are Away

According to the United States Department of Justice there are 2.5 million burglaries annually in the United States. A burglar typically lives within 2 miles of homes they break into. They often monitor the property and the routines and schedule of the homeowner, so they know when to strike. Criminals look for signs someone is away on vacation such as newspapers piling up, posts on social media, un-mowed lawn, or no lights on at night.

Whether you are traveling for business or pleasure take steps to secure your home before you leave.

Don’t Broadcast on Social Media

How many times have you seen someone posting photos and updates highlighting their vacation on social media? It is so common the FBI has issued warnings not to post your vacation plans on social media because criminals use social media to stalk their victims. When you share your personal information, they grab it and use it for malicious purposes, finding out you are on vacation is like saying to them “no one is home, the house is empty, come in and take what you want” you might believe it is safe because you limit your posts to people you know but statistics show that most burglars at least somewhat know their targets. Keep your private life private, not just while you are away but all the time. Social media is a hotbed of criminal activity.

Use a Security System

Common home security systems can include security cameras, motion, contact, glass break and entry way sensors, 24/7 professional monitoring, emergency service alerts, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, flood and leak sensors and temperature sensors. They can do more than just alert you to a break in they can monitor your home for other problems as well.

If you use a security company, contact them and let them know when you are leaving and when you will return. If you don’t use a professionally installed security system setup your own using indoor and outdoor cameras, video doorbell cameras and other security equipment.

You want it to be obvious that you have a security system installed, criminals prefer easy targets and will often skip a home if they see it is being monitored.

Security Lights

Criminals like to work in the dark, install outdoor security lights throughout your property. Ensure entry points and shaded areas are illuminated.

Lock Up

Before leaving for your trip walk about your home and check that all doors and windows are locked. Don’t forget the garage and outbuildings. Close the curtains, there should be no way for anyone to look in through a window. Don’t hide a key to your home outside. Criminals know where to look, instead leave a key with a trusted friend or relative.

Cancel Deliveries

Call the Post Office and put your mail on hold while you are away. Mail piling up in the mailbox is a sure sign no one is home, and the risk of mail theft is a real problem. Criminals steal mail from mailboxes and use it for financial and identity theft. If you have the newspaper delivered or other automatic deliveries setup put them on hold until you return, you don’t want anything left outside indicating to others that you are away.

Make It Appear You Are Home

Use automatic timers on lights and TV’s so they turn on and off on a schedule, you can leave a radio playing in the background while you are away.  If possible, hire a house sitter, during the summer months hire someone to cut the grass while you are gone.

Use a Safe

Invest in a fireproof/waterproof home safe, these lock to prevent entry and you can bolt them down. If you are unable to bolt it down hide the safe in a location that is completely unobvious and keep your valuable possessions inside. Most criminals want to be in and out of the house as quickly as possible and target areas such as master bedrooms, home offices and other locations where they know homeowners keep valuable items.

Create a Home Inventory List

Everyone should have a home inventory list, whether you own your home or rent, having a record of your possessions is important not only for your own reference but also for insurance purposes. In the event of a fire, burglary, or other disaster you need to have a detailed record of everything you own.

See my article on How to Create a Home Inventory List and Creating a Digital Home Inventory List

Shut Off the Water

Unless there’s a specific reason to keep the water supply on, shut it off to prevent leaks and floods while you are away.

Unplug Electronics

Unplug non-essential electronics. Anything electrical runs the risk of a short or fire when it is plugged in.

Take The Trash Out

Don’t leave food out or dirty dishes in the sink, food debris on dishes can rot and attract pests, clear the refrigerator of any food that will spoil while you are away and take the trash out. Arrange to have someone bring your trash can in if it is out when you leave.

Tell a Trusted Neighbor

If you have trusted neighbors let them know your plans so that they can be alert to any unusual activity at your home. Provide them with your contact information.

Final Thoughts: Before leaving for a trip, you take the time to plan where you’re going, how you’re going to get there and where you will stay, also take the time to ensure that your home is safe and secure while you are away.